MiCOM P632
Completing Commissioning

Before the P632 is released for operation, the user should make sure that the following steps have been taken:

All memories have been reset.

(Reset at MAIN: General reset USER (password-protected) and MT_RC: Reset record. USER, both in Oper/CtrlTest menu branch.)

Blocking of output relays has been cancelled.

(OUTP: Outp.rel.block USER, Par/Func/Glob menu branch, setting No.)

Blocking of the trip command has been cancelled.

(MAIN: Trip cmd.block. USER, Par/Func/Glob menu branch, setting No.)

The device is on-line.

(MAIN: Device on-line, Par/Func/Glob menu branch, setting Yes (= on).)

The correct control point – Local or Remote – has been activated.

The required interlock equations have been activated.

After completion of commissioning, only the green LED indicator signaling “HEALTHY” (H1) should be on.