MiCOM P632
Display of Delayed and Stored Maximum Phase Currents
Delayed Maximum Phase Current

The P632 offers the option of a delayed display of the maximum value of the three phase currents (thermal ammeter function). The delayed maximum phase current display is an exponential function of the maximum phase current IP,max (see upper curve in Fig. 3-48). The time after which the delayed maximum phase current display will have reached 95 % of maximum phase current IP,max is set at MAIN: Settl. t. IP,max,del.

Stored Maximum Phase Current

The stored maximum phase current follows the delayed maximum phase current. If the value of the delayed maximum phase current is declining, then the highest value of the delayed maximum phase current remains stored. The display remains constant until the actual delayed maximum phase current exceeds the value of the stored maximum phase current (see middle curve in Fig. 3-48). The stored maximum phase current is set to the actual value of the delayed maximum phase current at MAIN: IP,max p.u.,stored a, using end a as an example (see lower curve in Fig. 3-48).


Fig. 3-48: Operation of delayed and stored maximum phase current display, shown here for end a

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