MiCOM P632
Enable for Switch Commands Issued by the Control Functions

Before a switching unit within the bay is closed or opened by the control functions of the P632, the P632 first checks whether the switch command may be executed. A switch command will be executed if the optional control enable has been issued and the interlock conditions are met. The interlock conditions are defined in the interlocking logic for each switching unit within the bay that is subject to control actions and for each control direction (Open/Close). Different conditions are defined for the bay interlock equations to operate with or without station interlock. The check of bay or station interlock equations can be cancelled for all electrically controllable switchgear units within a bay. If the station interlock is active, it may be cancelled selectively for each switching unit and each control direction.

If “Local” has been selected as the control point, the bay and station interlocks may be cancelled through an appropriately configured binary signal input.


Fig. 3-185: General enable for switch commands issued by the control functions; activating or canceling the interlocks.


Fig. 3-186: Rejection of the switching commands.