MiCOM P632
Single-Pole Commands (Function Group CMD_1)

Commands may be transmitted to the P632 via the communications interface. When the P632 receives such a command, and if the remote control mode is enabled, an appropriately configured output relay will be triggered and a signal issued.

The user can select the operating mode for each 1-pole command. The following settings are possible:

Long command

Short command

Persistent command

If the operating mode Long command or Short command has been selected the output relay will be triggered for the time period set at MAIN: Cmd. dur.long cmd. or MAIN: Cmd. dur. short cmd..

The setting options and the functional sequence are shown in the example for Command C001. This will apply accordingly to all other single-pole commands.


Fig. 3-198: Functional sequence for single-pole commands, as illustrated for Command C001.