MiCOM P632
Examples of Signal Names

All settings and signals relevant for protection are shown in the block diagrams of Chapter “Operation” as follows:

Signal Name


♦ FT_RC: Fault recording n
305 100

Internal signal names are not coded by a data model address. In the block diagrams they are marked with a diamond. The small figure underneath the signal name represents a code that is irrelevant to the user.

The internal signal names used and their origins are listed in Appendix.

DIST: VNG>> triggered
[ 036 015 ]

Signal names coded by a data model address are represented by their address (shown in square brackets). Their origin is given in Chapters “Setting” and “Information and Control Functions”.

MAIN: General reset USER
[ 003 002 ]
↗1: Execute

A specific setting to be used later on is shown with its signal name, address, and the setting preceded by the setting arrow.