MiCOM P632
Configuration and Operating Mode of the Binary Inputs (Function Group INP)

The P632 has opto coupler inputs for processing binary signals from the substation. The functions that will be activated in the P632 by triggering these binary signal inputs are defined by the configuration of the binary signal inputs. In order to ensure that during normal operation the P632 will recognize an input signal, it must persist for at least 20 ms. With the occurrence of a general starting this time period may have to be increased to 40 ms under unfavorable conditions.

Configuring the Binary Inputs

One function can be assigned to each binary signal input by configuration. The same function can be assigned to several signal inputs. Thus one function can be activated from several control points having different signal voltages.

It should be noted that time-critical applications such as time synchronization commands should not be mapped to the binary signal inputs of the analog I/O module as these have an increased reaction time due to internal processing.

In this technical manual, it is assumed that the required functions (marked “EXT” in the address description) have been assigned to binary signal inputs by configuration.

Operating Mode of the Binary Inputs

The operating mode for each binary signal input can be defined. The user can specify whether the presence (Active "high" mode) or absence (Active "low" mode) of a voltage shall be interpreted as the logic ‘1’ signal. The display of the state of a binary signal input – "low" or "high" – is independent of the setting for the operating mode of the signal input.

Filter Function

An additional filter function may be enabled in order to suppress transient interference peaks at the logic signal inputs (operating modes Active "high", filt. or Active "low", filt.). With this function enabled a status change at the binary logic input is only signaled when the input signal remains at a steady signal level during a set number of sampling steps (sampling step size = period / 20). The number of sampling steps is set at parameter INP: Filter.


Fig. 3-26: Configuration and operating mode of the binary signal inputs.