MiCOM P632
Configurable Function Keys (Function Group F_KEY)

The P632 provides six freely configurable function keys. A password may be configured for each function key (e.g. for F1 at F_KEY: Password funct.key 1), and if a password has been configured then the respective function key will only be enabled when the configured password is entered.

As an example the operation of function key F1 is shown in Fig. 3-25. After the password has been entered the function key will remain active for the time period set at F_KEY: Return time fct.keys. Thereafter, the function key is disabled until the password is entered again. The same is valid for function keys F2 to F6. Exception: If a function key is configured as a control key a password request is only issued when the function “Local/Remote switching” has been assigned to this function key.

Configuration of function keys with a single function

One function may be assigned to each function key (e.g. for F1) at F_KEY: Fct. assignm. F1 or by selecting a logic state signal (except LOC: Trig. menu jmp 1 EXT and LOC: Trig. menu jmp 2 EXT). The assigned function is triggered by pressing the respective function key on the P632.

Configuration of function keys with menu jump lists

Instead of a single function each function key may have one of the two menu jump lists assigned (e.g. for F1) at F_KEY: Fct. assignm. F1 by selecting the listing at LOC: Trig. menu jmp 1 EXT or LOC: Trig. menu jmp 2 EXT. The functions of the selected menu jump list are triggered in sequence by repeated pressing of the assigned function key.

Both menu jump lists are assembled at LOC: Fct. menu jmp list 1 or LOC: Fct. menu jmp list 2. Up to 16 functions such as setting parameters, event counters and/or event logs may be selected.


LED indicators including the six positioned directly next to the function keys are configured independently and in this respect there is no relationship to the respective function key configuration.

Configuration of the READ key

As with LOC: Fct. menu jmp list 1 or LOC: Fct. menu jmp list 2 up to 16 functions may also be selected from the same menu jump list at LOC: Fct. read key. They are triggered in sequence by repeated pressing of the “READ” key.

Configuring function keys as control keys

Each function key may be configured as a control key by selecting one of the functions at (e.g. for F1) F_KEY: Fct. assignm. F1:

MAIN: Local/Remote key (060 004)

MAIN: Device selection key (060 001)

MAIN: Device OPEN key (060 002)

MAIN: Device CLOSE key (060 003)

These control functions may only be used sensibly if all four of the above commands have been configured thus engaging four of the available six function keys.

Operating mode of the function keys

For each function key the operating mode may be selected (e.g. for F1) at F_KEY: Operating mode F1. Here it is possible to select whether the function key operates as a key or as a switch. In the Key operating mode the selected function is active while the function key is pressed. In the Switch operating mode the selected function is switched on or off every time the function key is pressed. The state of the function keys can be displayed.


Exception: For function keys configured as control keys the operating mode is irrelevant and it is therefore ignored.

Handling keys

If backlighting for the LC display is switched off it will automatically light up when a function key or the "READ" key is pressed. The assigned function will only be triggered when the respective key is pressed a second time. This is also valid for the other keys.


Fig. 3-25: Configuration and operating mode of function keys. The assigned function is either a single function or a menu jump list.