MiCOM P632
Information Displayed on the Bay Panel

If available the Bay Panel will display switching state signals from external devices (closed, open, intermediate position) and the active control site (local or remote). The text display HMI will show up to 3 external devices, one per line, where the external device selected is marked with the flashing symbol “>” in front of the external devices’ designation text.


Fig. 6-3: Example of a bay panel.

The sequence for external devices is downwards in columns according to their numbering (DEV01, DEV02, DEV03). To designate these external devices there are up to four characters available, and next to these, separated by a colon, their current state is displayed (“Interm. pos.”, “Open”, “Closed” or “Faulty pos.”).

The active control unit (“Remote” or “Local”) is displayed in the fourth line, as well as its state: “Locked” or “Unlocked”.